May 9, 2009 journal, the media convention crack many jokes some may be forbidden. U.S. Army sergeant killed 5 American soldiers in Iraq as is how mental army health is doing. The new President of South Africa has 3 wives. A Catholic priest commits the unpardonable sin of dating but celibacy is not a Biblical command. The report of the crash landing of Continental flight to Buffalo earlier this year due to ice on wings is a very sad but it simulates what will happen to this country all a sudden when the economy gets slow enough that everything turns upside down and crash lands. While the nation was watching a 60 Minutes report on the Predatory remote-controlled aircraft the Predator itself was attacking and killing hundreds of innocent people over in Afghanistan & those people can do absolutely nothing to stop it. We have already declared the war lost in Afghanistan but we are still killing innocent people over there. New hearings in Congress begin this week to determine the guilty parties in torture. This country is bound to fail and it has been obvious for sometime. You can steer the pot but you cannot fix the financial problem of this country because we are in the pits. Within my first few years of employing people I was audited by the U.S. Labor Department checking for overtime on my two or three minimum-wage employees. I am talking about big jackbooted federal officials stalking your business and frightening your help. This is when I begin to see that this country was doomed but it takes awhile. Fast forward to the present day when homes are being foreclosed at an all-time high rate. Aside from the wars & wasteful spending, there is no common sense in Washington D.C. The Federal Reserve is a shell organization with no credibility whatsoever but supported by the United States taxpayers which are really suckers without investigating the origin. How can the U.S. Treasury via of the Federal Reserve just print empty money in billions? Our governor said everybody has their hand out for stimulus funds which will disappear until next year payback time when taxes must go up by maybe 30 percent and he is right. The first bailout went to the banks & Wall Street not making one hill of beans difference. $700 billion was parlayed through the Fed into trillions that disappeared into the system. This is turning into a financial Holocaust picking up speed as national structure collapses. Years later I stopped to look at a poster on my companies wall near the water fountain as printed by the state addressed to my employees saying I could be fined or imprisoned if I violated any one of the many labor laws. I then made an important decision to get out of employing people. Already the costs of health insurance & unemployment security along with workmans compensation insurance & a dozen other tax on labor made it impossible. We are now slaves of Esau whose face appears on the banking industry and Wall Street. Smaller nations go bankrupt like Iceland and even Luxembourg steelworker's are rioting. Dear Dr. Fogel-In your response you said the University of Vermont has no financial investment in the Greg Bottoms book The Colorful Apocalypse but on page 182 of the book Bottoms states you did help to finance it "Thanks also to the University of Vermont College of Arts and Sciences for the faculty research grant that helped to defray some of the cost of the book". Furthermore, you cite the First Amendment right of the author but Sir, nothing gives any man a right to lie and write fiction about real people or profiteer at their expense. Under the title of 'creative nonfiction writing' your students are actually being taught to lie in writing. Bottoms book is a fictional production of lies about people. Do you see any reason why your University should not be made party to any pending litigation against Greg Bottoms and Chicago University Press? There is more than one question here. It is your duty to know what your students are being taught. This creative writing course seems to be a bad experiment created largely by Greg Bottoms. I suggest you take a closer look at this professor. I am a victim of this crazy deceptive writing.